Medicals Rugby Club
Medicals Rugby Club endured a difficult season last time around but have worked hard to regroup over the summer and are now seeing the benefits of their endeavour. Rugby Club Magazine recently caught up with Club Secretary Greg Haynes to find out more. RC: How long have you been involved and what first attracted you to the club? GH: I have been involved in the club for ten years now, I was first attracted to the club as I was working shifts and knew very few people in the north east. I turned up and was welcomed very well. They were understandable when it cameRead More →
Kidderminster Carolians
Kidderminster Carolians RFC is a fine example of a community club that prides itself on being open to everyone. Club Representative David Jones-Percival recently took the time to speak with Rugby Club Magazine. He told us, “I first joined the club as a player aged 30 in 1986, having previously retired. A teacher colleague of my wife, past president Alan Dixon persuaded me to play as my wife told him I was like a bear with a sore head on Saturdays.” “Managing even an amateur Rugby Club has become a full-time job with far too much admin and paperwork to be done. Getting volunteers toRead More →